Sunday, April 23, 2006

Crop Circles, or Alien Landing Sites

This is a picture of the side yard of the Green Monster. Note the circle created by the retro-rockets of the alien space craft that landed in the yard.

Other possible explanations of the grassless circle:

10. A giant, sideless sandbox seemed like a good idea.

9. Ozone hole over the yard caused UV rays from the sun to burn out the grass, to the roots.

8. Whimsical fire pit for those cool evenings with family and friends.

7. When global warming causes sea level to rise, house will have its own private beach.

6. Land not fully reclaimed after strip mining operation was concluded.

5. Convenient place for neighborhood oil changes.

4. Target for testing of Iranian missiles.

3. Giant litter box for neighborhood cats.

2. Future home of Starbucks.

And the number one explanation for the grassless circle...

1. That's where the above-ground pool used to be.

Grass will start growing soon, I hope.


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