Wednesday, April 19, 2006

One Week Out

This is the start of a new endeavour on my part. I am a man of the people, a professional with no skills whatsoever. On a whim, I decided that I would try to make money in real estate by buying a property, fixing what is broken, then trying to sell it to make a little chunk of change.

The project started last week, and has been an experience thus far. I have discovered that with real estate, all things are not as they seem. What appears to be a nice, well-maintained home can turn into an absolute nightmare. And people wonder why their beloved homes sit on the market.

The concept arose out of a desire to prove to the adoring masses that a normal guy, with nothing more than a strong will to succeed can, in the words of Larry the Cable Guy, "Git 'er done."

I started with a one hundred year old Victorian style home in a small town in New England. The house itself is structurally sound, and has a lot of lovely features, like freshly painted walls (each a different color selected from the "Discontinued Awful Colors" bin at Homeless Depot). Later posts will have pictures to prove my statements true; and, you will be able to see the progress on this house in a way that DIY, HGTV, or Bob Vila wouldn't allow.

So, let the postings begin....


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